Author of 2 and co-author of 30 books and of ca 300 full length articles published in world recognized journals on general chemistry (e.g. Chemical Reviews), medicinal chemistry (e.g. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry), analytical chemistry (e.g. Analytical Chemistry; Biosensors and Bioelectronics), bioinformatics (e.g. Proteomics; Journal of Proteome Research), pharmaceutical technology (e.g. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences), pharmacology (e.g. Molecular Pharmacology) and clinical medicine (e.g. Diabetologia, Thrombosis and Hemosthasis).
Sum of Impact Factor of the journals in which original articles have been published amounts to ca. 500 points.
Total number of independent citations according to Web of Science Core Collection: above 6000; h-index = 49.
Supervisor of 22 doctorates. Faculty opponent or referee for ca. 100 of Ph.D., D.Sc. and professorship procedures, including 10 at foreign universities (Sweden, France, The Netherlands, Germany, USA, Lithuania, Spain, Belgium, Serbia, Australia).
Invitations by numerous international journals to write review articles, among others: by Analytical Chemistry (1992) and by Chemical Reviews (2007).